Saturday, November 22, 2008

Who knew...

...that Yoohoo was made from mixing chocolate milk and coke? Answer: Yates. She was told by "someone" at a young age that Yoohoo was contrived by pouring a can of coke into a glass of chocolate milk. She announced to Robert at IHOP that he should mix his soft drink and chocolate milk and have some Yoohoo, and everyone at the table was stunned and confused. 

Who died? Probably Kate because she asked why IHOP used globes as house of pancakes. Got it. Go Rebels.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Fry Wars

Hanging out at the ATO house on a freezing cold Saturday night after an Alabama victory is always entertaining. But this particular Saturday, there were a lot of RMTs (rich moments in time). 

As Charlie tightly gripped by wrists, stopping me from retrieving the Arches' french fries I so desperately desired, Dan began inhaling them right in front of my face. Cole then called Dan a "frinhaler" (meaning french fry inhaler). I'd also like to add that this is not the first time Cole has called Dan a name involving french fries. At Mugshots a few weeks ago, Cole held a french fry up to Dan's forehead and called him "fryclops."

Later on, while Charlie was still holding my wrists, my phone rang and Cole answered. After forcing me to talk on the phone with no hands, simply holding the phone in between my collar bone and chin, he then put the phone down the back of my shirt. In a quick, defensive move, I leaned forward to keep the phone from falling out of my shirt. Cole then called me the "Hunchback of Notre Phone," which makes absolutely no sense. 

Also, while watching Star Wars, everyone wondered how General Grieves (a robot, mind you) could cough. Charlie quickly asserted the answer: He had a virus. Good answer, Charles. Very corny.

Everyone should join Twitter...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Somebody bring me my jorts.

This priceless text conversation between Anna and me took place a few minutes after the Sorority Row blackout Thursday night. And no, that's not the name of a cool party. Apparently someone ran into an electrical pole near Jack's fine dining and subsequently knocked out all of the power in a two-mile radius.

Kmac was walking from her car to AXO when the lights went out, convinced that a serial murderer had engineered this plot to more easily take her out. Meagan and I were in the room, and when everything went black she hurriedly squeezed every last drop of battery out of her laptop to finish Physics, while I lamented more the spoiling of my cranberry juice down in the fridge than my project for Mass Com that was now lost forever.

Anyway, while chaos ensued, my text convo with Anna about Twilight tickets took a morbid turn.

Anna: Good. Is it a Thursday? DANG IT power.

Me: All ours just shut off too!!! Yeah its thursday the 20th at 12:01

Anna: Ok well I suppose I will get it tomorrow, it kicked me off the internet

Me: Yeah apparently someone hit a pole by Jacks and everyone in a five mile radius is in the dark

Anna: What a jerk

(At this point, the evil side of me took over...)

Me: I think he died

Anna: I am a terrible person. That is sad

Me: Just kidding. I don't know if he did or not. Now I'm a terrible person

Anna: Yes, you are

Me: This is definitely going on the blog

So, as you can see, I often make very inappropriate, flippant jokes about death. But Anna started it with her immediate finger-pointing of this "jerk" who ruined our evening.


swagger like us

So this weekend I was going to go to Gunnersville with the perpetually sassy Jilli Sparks.  However, in a sequence of events not altogether unsurprising Jilli ended up having heaps of work to get done before next week.  So I amiably suggested she stay in town and get her work done and I'd head to Chattanooga.  I hatched a plan to shock my family by arriving on the doorstep ready to spend the weekend with them.  I called my brother to fill him in on my wonderful little intention: 

Me (on cell phone passing Mercedes): Hey Riley!
Riley: What's up.
Me (whispering): Are you by yourself?
Riley: Um yeah?
Me: Like where are you?
Riley: In the den.
Me: Are you in earshot of anyone?
Riley: No.
Me (triumphantly): I'M ON MY WAY HOME TO SURPRISE YOU!
Riley: Mom, Dad and I are heading to Ole Miss in thirty minutes for me to do a college visit.

So that was neat and treasured.  Chris was spending the weekend with his family in Decatur so since I was about 14 miles outside of Birmingham and had been rejected by friends and family alike I called him and he, in true stalwart boyfriend fashion, invited me to Decatur. I informed him that at that point I was exiting onto I-65 and would probably be there in an hour. 

So I began the requisite task of text messaging those nearest and dearest.  Now, I have recently broken a vow of October sketchiness.  I apologize to those affected by my bought of intravertism.  I think I'm over it.  I blame it on too many years of single sex education. But I was textin my boo KMac when she bestowed this wonderful imagery upon me: 

Me: (snarky comment hypothetically envisioning her hooking up with someone)
KMac: Vomit. And poke my eye out. 

Not both eyes, just the one. Oh sweet little half-blind KMac!

glad to be back!