Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sticky Red Bag-Lady Shoes

Here is something funny in and of itself...Graham Heard (the self proclaimed baller) gave Yates some dating advice. I mean, when was the last time anyone saw or talked to G Heard, much less got advice from him? Answer: Sarah Yates.

"What I wanna know, Yates, is who you're dating?" -G Heard

"The Cheese stands alone, my friend." -Yates

"Word of advice: If you ever want to get a boyfriend, the first step is to stop referring to yourself as "The Cheese." -G Heard

"Duly noted." -Yates

NEVER break up a girl fight. NEVER.

I agree with Youngblood, I think this should be revamped, and to bring it back old school I'll put in a bit of fun from the one and only Smack-a-lack. (By the way, it's my goal to keep morphing people's nicknames until no one ever can decipher who is who anymore and we all disappear into oblivion.)


So we all know that Kristin is feeling the pressure because Relay for Life is coming up. Last night she almost cracked, screaming in a staccato fashion:

Kristin: "Relay is ten days away. What can I do? I'll check the ten day forecast! Aha, here we go... (looking at me with somber eyes) ...because there will be tears if it cries."

Yes, yes, we all hope that Relay doesn't cry this year, either. Also, virtual blog flinch for writing "Go Rebels" a few posts/months ago on here. There's no escape.

Here's to believing our friends are like the ones on How I Met Your Mother!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

don't call it a comeback

I absolutely had to break the stony silence that is this blog in order to bring you these two gemstones.  Granted my reaction to them was heavily fueled by St. Patrick's Day sprinkle encrusted shamrock cookies. Like at least five of them. But like still.

After a drug dealer rolled up into Snow Hinton and effectively ruined what was sure to be an epic bout of playground games, a group o' peeps headed to the Katie's spacious Riverside abode. Once we got there we were greeted by Momma Kallam's brownies and the game Guesstures. Guesstures, for the game n00b, is a fast paced version of charades.  You align cards in order of simplest to hardest and then attempt to act them out successfully for your team.  The caveat is that the contraption you place the cards in is set to a timer causing the cards to drop (effectively nullifying them if your team not guessed them), at incremental periods. 

This was also the first night that Charles Edwards hung out with us, and while he is a newcomer I think we can all agree that we welcome with open arms anyone who has a starring role in the following scenario: 

Barrett (acting out a card, gets under the table)

I know right? Hilarious. 

However, this was to be merely the appetizer for the filet. It occured after Guesstures was abandoned in favor of a round of sudden death Taboo.  Taboo, again for the n00bs, is like CatchPhrase but with the exemption of specific words (i.e. the word "mustard" must be described without using "condiment" or "ketchup").  Team 1, consisting of Shane, Katie B, Dan and myself was in dire need for some points.  If you know how competitive Dan and I get in the pursuit of friendly game victory, you'll know that losing is not handled well.  And at this point we were. So this happened:

Katie B. (on her turn): Ok it's like something that has...
Shane: Seals!  Whales! Beavers!
Katie B.: No it's like a thing that...
Shane: Otters! Manatees!
