Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hide your laptops

Kristin: JT, I really like that sweater...did you get it at the JoS.A Bank sale?

JT: Nope, I got it at Costco.

Kristin: Ooohhhh...I didn't know that Costco sold sweaters.

JT: Well there's a lot you don't know.

Not that funny but I hate to see this blog dead. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Old Man River

Alabama vs. Ole Miss football game. 7:35 p.m. Bryant Denny Stadium.

Upon returning from the concession stand with oversized drink and overpriced hot dog.

Riley: "There is sour kraut in my pocket. HOW does that happen?"

JT: "Here, Riley. Happy birthday. Love, Denny Dog."

Go Bama. Beat the black bears.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reader Discretion Advised

This is a post about potty-training and bodily functions. You've been warned.

So Yatesy the Lesser is not interested in going in the toilet. What she is interested in is being naked. So she was naked the other day when Mollye noticed that Yates had placed her hand (with thumb extended) on her behind, as if she was holding something in.

Mollye: Yates, do you have to poop?
Yatesy (shaking her head vigorously): No, tee-tee.
Mollye: I'm not sure that's what's going on here.

At this point Mollye took action. She lifted up Yates and placed her on the toilet. Yates, with sheer panic in her eyes as the event took place, looked up at Mollye and screamed:


You're leaving infancy forever, Yates. Fare thee well.

This post was gross. I'm grossed out. Sorry.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

out of the mouths of babes

I was doing some anecdotal assessments (that's biz talk) the other day and while I was talking to two of my precious little ESL second graders the following interaction occurred.

They were getting familiar with the counting blocks that they use during math. Essentially there these cubes you can stick together that help you learn to add and divide. One little boy had managed to come into a mighty inheritance of counting blocks - which he promptly created a four desk long cross with. He then calls me over to admire his handiwork:

Little boy: I made the place that God died.
Another little boy (head immediately shoots up with fat crocodile tears welling in his eyes):

Amen and Hallelujah!

Monday, July 12, 2010

He doesn't even know about this blog.

July 11 in Gulf Shores.
Jimmy Buffett and Friends Concert on the Beach.
World Cup Final on the TV.

One man tries to have it all....and fails immediately.

Basically, Steve made it very clear to those of us riding with him to find a parking spot for the concert (me and four friends of friends) that if ANYONE mentioned ANYTHING about what was going on with the World Cup, he was going to flip out. Yeah, yeah, whatever Steve, we don't care.

Anyway, right when we pull up to a house and get out, he reminds us to help him shield himself from any news of Spain v. the Netherlands (he's a huge Dutch fan). Unfortunately, Steve overheard a guy in our group tell the guy whose house we were parking at that it was going to be a tie. They just didn't get the message, apparently.

So now Steve is mad that he heard that it was likely to go into a shoot-out. Keep in mind, this guy has already stepped in gum and had his McDonald's order messed up. As we walk down through the houses by the concert venue he's still complaining. But then, suddenly, there is one quiet moment and an unmistakeable scream of sports hysteria echoes from an anonymous house to the great outdoors, and to us:


It seems you can't always get what you want.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Run, Lola, Run.

JT, my sister and I were gathered around the den eating homemade peach ice cream at my aunt's house tonight. My aunt, Michelle, found an article in a runner's magazine about a new half marathon in Disney World in October. The interesting part about this half marathon is that it begins at 10 p.m. and once you complete the run, you and your friends are invited to a special Disney after party with free beer and wine.

Kallie decides she wants to run this half marathon, so it's decided that we'll all do this next year as a celebration of her 21st birthday. We begin to make various plans and talk about the many "what ifs" involved in this adventure. We discuss training programs and other 5K or 10K events in the Birmingham area we could do to train for this. Then we start talking about our favorite rides in Disney World and where we would stay. Some of the things we are saying actually have the potential to come true, but most of it is complete nonsense. 

At some point, Kallie says "Whoa, we gotta stop. We're being too unrealistic here"

And JT responds, "No offense, but we asked Kristin to run a half marathon, so it was pretty unrealistic from the beginning."

Sweet, guys. Thanks a lot. -KMac

Sunday, May 2, 2010

In case you thought i was being a baby

when I complained about Yates having it out for me, you'll now surely change your mind.

Via My Facebook Page:

Sarah Yates don't leave me in a week and move to colorado!! I promise to never betray you again!

Sarah Yates
whoops i actually just betrayed you again on kmac's wall. it's a hard habit to break.

Via KMac's Facebook Page:

Sarah Yates inspired by the derby, i'm now working on an imagination project matching the party of five with appropriate horses to fit their look/personality. spoiler alert: i'm getting a dappled grey mare and anna's getting a brown mule.

Anna Pendleton
what the (#*@&#()$ YATES

The proof is in the pudding, people.

Lemon out.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A rhyme

KMac: "I got soul, but I'm not a soldier."

Yates: "I got toes, but I'm not a toaster."

Nice. Happy bachelorette weekend, Sayo!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Not funny unless you're me.

I keep thinking about how funny this was. Last Friday the Law School put on an all-day Crawfish Boil at a 3L's house. One of the events was the infamous "Mullet Toss," where one holds a dead, limp fish in one hand and chucks it as far he or she is able. Due to the somewhat disgusting nature of this challenge, many abstained. Riley Key was one of these folks; I was not (big surprise).

Anyway, shortly after I accidentally hit a poor girl in the leg with my wildly thrown fish, the boys' competition started. There were good throws, bad throws, people gettin' hit, cars gettin' hit, etc. At which point Riley looked around and loudly stated:

"Am I going to have to throw a fish here?"

No, not that funny on its face. But it sort of is. Especially when you consider the atmosphere of the event, the glory of competition, and the weirdly determined look on the Keymaster's face.

Spoiler alert: he didn't throw the fish.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I never thought I'd see the day

"I'd barf and then run out with my hands flailing in the air." -Anna

Sometimes, little Anna Pendy uses her English degree to paint the most vivid images. How sweet. I can only hope I get to see this happen one day.

Sweet Dreams, KMac

Monday, March 8, 2010

Wish list

1. Animals like koala bears or hippopotamuses were appropriate pets
2. Instead of water fountains, there were Coca Cola fountains
3. The weather would always be 60 degrees so that I was never cold but always wearing long sleeves
4. Traffic didn't exist
5. We were all going to live in the same city forever so that we'd have an endless amount of joy, love and most importantly laughter to share on this blog.

Just trying to keep the spirit alive.